I want to talk about tabletop games...

This is the great big passion of mine. It used to be video games. Those have largely fallen by the wayside in lieu of much more creative outlets. That is to say...tabletop roleplaying games.

I want to talk about tabletop games...
Image credit: Image: Wizards of the Coast/Antonio José Manzanedo

What's in this section?

Advice. Lessons both about the history of games and from my own experience. Stories. My guesses at what can make for good additions to your games.

This all comes from what I consider a baby (me. I am the baby.) in terms of tabletop experience. It's 2023 now, and I started playing in 2015. There are people alive today who have played since the seventies and eighties. They know more, and have experienced more.

But not all of them start up a blog to launch their thoughts out at the wall of the internet to see what sticks. I guess for me that means...batter up?

What tabletop games are to me.

This is the great big passion of mine. It used to be video games. Those have largely fallen by the wayside in lieu of much more creative outlets. That is to say...tabletop roleplaying games.

In 2015, I started playing the game everyone knows - Dungeons & Dragons. Specifically, like most people on the planet right now, fifth edition. It was (at the time) the latest edition.

Fast forward a couple of years and I am the DM/GM (dungeon/game master) of my very first few sessions. I use DM/GM interchangeably, but prefer GM because not everyone runs dungeons. It seems like it's dying out a little. Much of the Dungeon (capital D) has gone away from most of what I see and hear about being played in D&D.

This is fine, and not the point of this post. This is just the introductory. The more concrete opinions about tabletop games come later!

I love talking about tabletop games. I adore it. I sometimes spend two or three hours with friends of mine just discussing tabletop games.

My experiences. My experiences with others. The mistakes I've made. The mistakes others have made. What I like, what I don't. It is such a massive source of fuel for me and it amps me up so much whenever I get to talk about it.

So let's call this section of the blog my 'release valve.' That seems pretty accurate.