I wanted a Blog.

It's my constant concern that I talk too much. Or that no one cares about what I have to say. But it's happened enough in that the recipients of my nonsense have told me that they like hearing what I have to say that I have no choice but to believe them. It's on me to make that choice, after all.

I wanted a Blog.
Image: Getty Images

I'm just going to start. Hi. Hello. Nice to meet you. Well not quite meet you. It's sort of like meeting, but in much more of a one way sort of...way. I don't know where I was going with that.

I wanted to do a little more work to get things in place for this blog before I started posting, but things don't happen if you don't do something. So I decided to just...start. We'll see how this goes!

Who am I?

Very simply, I'm Luke. I live in New Zealand, and have done all my life.

I play tabletop games and video games, though the former takes up most of my time. I enjoy different degrees of metal, but have been greatly enjoying a few different styles of music lately (Synthwave from Juno Dreams and Shikimo, and The Night Flight Orchestra).

I don't know why you should care, really. Maybe I'll post something you find useful or enjoyable on here at some point. I hope I do!

What's this blog going to have?

For a while now, I've found myself going sort of off the rails with tangents about a few different subjects. The main one being tabletop games. Lots of Dungeons & Dragons. But I've been branching out to different games for some time.

I often find myself sort of...monologuing to friends and family about various things I've learned or done during my time playing tabletop games.

It's my constant concern that I talk too much. Or that no one cares about what I have to say. But it's happened enough in that the recipients of my nonsense have told me that they like hearing what I have to say that I have no choice but to believe them. It's on me to make that choice, after all.

The people around me seem to enjoy what I have to say, so maybe you will. Here. On the internet. Regardless of my insistence that it's other people who convinced me to put out what I give to them, it is me who wants this blog, at the end of the day. Just go with it, it's just a title that might change.

The biggest thing that recently came into my life is the diary written by my grandmother (father's side) during her time growing up in England during World War II. I didn't know it existed until a few months ago, and now I have the thing in a published (albeit basic) format.
I will be posting chapters of that diary on this blog.

Why is this here?

It came from a friend of mine most recently where I got this push to actually take the plunge. Blogs aren't something I've ever really engaged in. For all my love of writing, I don't do a heck of a lot of reading. So maybe this is the way I can engage with this kind of content, while also getting everything in my head written down. Out of my head.

Maybe this will be a daily thing! Or weekly. Or...when I remember? Things fall out of my head sometimes. Maybe that's another sign for me to do this! Maybe it'll help me concentrate more. Get more focus in my life that I'm lacking. I don't know, but this blogging stuff seems kind of neat, so I'll give it a go!